| 1. | Between them they had invented a great game . 他们想出了一种精彩非凡的游戏。
| 2. | Be a player with a selection of great games 选出一款游戏尽兴游乐吧。
| 3. | Oh , great game guys ! we played our hearts out 哦,太棒了小伙子们!你们非常投入的在打球。
| 4. | You pitched a great game , honey . come here 你表现的很棒,亲爱的过来
| 5. | Pirates robbed the ancient great game ( greek and ) roman ships 海盗打劫古希腊和罗马的船只。
| 6. | You can play well , have a great game and still lose 一支球队可以踢得很漂亮,但却输掉比赛。
| 7. | I am sure you will have a great games in beijing 我保证,北京的奥运会将是一届伟大的奥运会。
| 8. | Hi neil . did you see the match ? what a great game 嗨,尼尔!你看比赛了吗?多么精彩的比赛呀!
| 9. | I set aside some great games foryou too 我给你预留了很棒的比赛
| 10. | A hi neil . did you see the match ? what a great game 嗨,尼尔!你看比赛了吗?多么精彩的比赛呀!